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Second round internal competition - Time flies by

Ralf Weijers

Although 25 minutes sound like quite a bit of time to think, it flies by before you know it. Luckily enough the 20 seconds increment is there as sort of an oxygen match to give you some needed time to be able to finish your game (preferably for the better :).

On september 21st we had the 2nd round of the internal competition, where the list of participants is growing. This round we had 15 players, but there were also some new players that joined the fun. This also includes Guus Bollen who had been so kind to provide a game analysis session for those who wanted/were able to join. During the session he went through the analysis of a couple of the games he played in the Dutch Championship in Dieren. After the session he only had a few minutes to eat before he was facing Mahmoud on the board.

As you can see in my facial expression below, I had quite a tough game against Krithik myself.

I wanted to add a short analysis of the match to this blog item, but there were so many tricky positions & tactics to include that it would take up way too much space. Instead, if you want to have a look at the game you can find it here and for now I will only include a screenshot of the analysis summary. As the oneliner of the "coach" captures it perfectly: "Wild - A chaotic game where both players had many chances to win."

I wasn't able to have a look at the other games unfortunally, so I can't add any commentary on that, but below you can find the results plus some additional pictures that Pepijn was able to make.



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