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GM Erwin l'Ami - Litho Knights: 20-0

Ralf Weijers

Ok ok, maybe the title is a bit depressing, but we had a good time :). Last year we'd organized a simultaneous exhibition with WGM Bianca Muhren, who was the president of the Dutch Federation at that time. This year, we were able to host a simul with GM Erwin l'Ami, who is one of the strongest Dutch players at this time and a former Dutch champion. Granted this was with a bit of help of Roger (long story) and sponsored by the Max Euwe Center.

As we in ASML have some awesome locations for something like this, we were able to reserve a spot in the Plaza of building 7. In total wel had 20 players that were able to join and play against Erwin, where I personally think it was quite nice that we had some of our stronger players as well as some that would classify themselves as beginners. Even though the difference in level might be large, there is always something to learn.

This year we were able to use our new gadget as well for the simul: our digital board. Our star player Joshua was the one to give this a try, which basically means that his game was being projected on the big screen in the Plaza. Although this might have created some additional pressure, he was off to a very good start.

Below a short overview of the key moments (after initial review from Joshua):

Here white seems to missing the d3 sacrifice that follows after exd4. After d3 the b2 pawn is hanging.

Although blacks position looks quite good it's hard to convert it into a win. So instead of trying to force it, here black could have just went up and down the diagonal while being harassed by the bishop. Should white go for something else then Bxa2 would be winning. So a draw was basically already on the board after 17 moves.

Here black plays Rfd8, but instead taking on a1 and playing Qa4 might have been an easier way to consolidate the position into a big plus.

Here the position has been shifting into a minus instead of a plus, but now Rc4 might have led to something that black was able to keep to a draw. Unfortunally, black went for Rb1+ and the position kept on deteriorating, until he had to resign. Nonetheless it was a really nice game.

During the afternoon we saw game after game being lost, where it was very impressive that once done Erwin was able to recall all games & moves and provide some comments on key moments during the game.

The last one playing was me, where I made it to an equal end game, after first messing up the opening. Having said that, I had been fighting to stay in the game throughout. In the end Erwin was able to outplay me as well with some small nuances in a rook end game. So, also the last game went to Erwin.

It was very cool having him there and I hope we can organize a similar event next year. Thanks everyone for joining in and giving it your best!




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